Ok, I’ll break my silence, if for nothing more than the fear that I may soon end on ECRs ‘Where are they now?’ list!
I’ve not ignored Thanet in any way, I take the Thanet Times back to Oxford with me (or get them brought to me!) when I can and keep up with blogging through the wonder of the internet. You know, I found I can be anywhere to read these blogs, not just in Thanet, amazing things these Internets.
I often find that when I see something interesting I think about how I would put it in a blog post, but it would seem I’m now into the habit of not posting. Lets take this example: The other day I was in Margate and was almost knocked over by Sandy Beach who was rounding a corner at high pace away from the town, only to find that when I got to Margate centre the whole town was without power… link perhaps?!
The topic of the moment though does seem to be TBLs birthday. I can hardly believe it to be a year already. That curious, spiraling turning of events that began with turmoil on the blogger circuit to the rise of the blog list. Though for my sins I may have started it, to my better judgment I handed it to Adem who has made it into a truly useful and enjoyable resource… though I must be honest, I cannot stand this Snap preview thing (cue tech tip). If you want to turn it off this is what you have to do: hover over a link to the snappy thing appears, got to options in that pop-up, check the boxes to disable, when it saves reload.
Ok, I’m here for the next month so I’ll probably post again, mainly because I see this as a Thanet blog. After that I’ll probably pull it into my new personal site that I’m planning (see if you can guess the web address ;) ).
For all you Thanet bloggers: Keep up the good work!