Kevin Carmody: machines, media & miscellanea

Elsewhere: Mastodon, Github, Email

What I'm Up To Now

I’m not going to give you a major post this week. I’m in the final stages of the semester so I’m having to do schoolwork. This week I am doing assignments on:

Political Situation In The UK 3000 words on the current political climate in the UK, includes social mobility from Marxist and Fiskian perspectives, political compass and Modernity via Giddens, language and power in the vein of Brodieu and power relationships in general.

Identity and Culture 3000 words looking at composition of identity by examining representative items. For this I’ll mainly be looking at sexual consumerism (bring on the Chomsky!) and post-modernity pastiche.

Next week I have two exams. One in Networks For Media which includes both wave form mathematics as well as computer networking structures. The other in Programming With Objects, which will include writing structural programming designs on paper (which will be odd).

As I’m sure you can image, I’m not going to be posting big next week either. Take care all.

